开发板和小安派的烧录问题, 请教

查看655 | 回复7 | 2023-11-27 14:24:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
开发板烧录实例helloword后 , 再想烧录其它img, 就会失败
[14:20:33.592] - Serial port is COM17
[14:20:33.592] - ==================================================
[14:20:33.594] - Program Start
[14:20:33.594] - ========= eflash loader cmd arguments =========
[14:20:33.595] - serial port is COM17
[14:20:33.595] - chiptype: bl616
[14:20:33.595] - cpu_reset=False
[14:20:33.603] - ========= Interface is uart =========
[14:20:33.603] - isp mode speed: 2000000
[14:20:33.604] - Bootrom load
[14:20:33.604] - ========= get_boot_info =========
[14:20:33.604] - ========= image get bootinfo =========
[14:20:33.617] - Please Press Reset Key!

到这步后, 按开发板的reset键不起作用, 过几秒后
[14:20:41.269] - default set DTR high
[14:20:41.372] - clean buf
[14:20:41.375] - send sync
[14:20:41.495] - ack is b''
[14:20:41.495] - retry
[14:20:41.495] - default set DTR high
[14:20:41.605] - clean buf
[14:20:41.608] - send sync
[14:20:41.730] - ack is b''
[14:20:41.730] - retry
[14:20:41.730] - default set DTR high
[14:20:41.840] - clean buf
[14:20:41.843] - send sync
[14:20:41.964] - ack is b''
[14:20:41.964] - retry
[14:20:41.965] - shake hand fail
[14:20:41.965] - ########################################################################
[14:20:41.966] - 请按照以下描述排查问题:
[14:20:41.966] - Boot pin是否上拉到板子自身的3.3V,而不是外部的3.3V
[14:20:41.966] - UART RX是否连接到USB转串口的TX引脚
[14:20:41.966] - UART TX是否连接到USB转串口的RX引脚
[14:20:41.966] - 在使用烧录软件进行烧录前,是否在Boot pin拉高的情况下,使用Reset/Chip_En复位了芯片
[14:20:41.967] - 烧录软件所选择的COM口,是否是连接芯片的串口
[14:20:41.967] - 烧录软件上选择的波特率是否是USB转串口支持的波特率
[14:20:41.967] - 3.3V供电是否正常
[14:20:41.967] - 板子供电电流是否正常(烧录模式下,芯片耗电电流5-7mA)
[14:20:41.967] - ########################################################################
[14:20:41.968] - shake hand fail
[14:20:41.969] - ========= ChipID:  =========
[14:20:41.969] - Get bootinfo time cost(ms): 8364.69580078125
[14:20:41.970] - {"ErrorCode": "0050","ErrorMsg":"BFLB IMG LOAD SHAKEHAND FAIL"}
[14:20:41.970] - Burn Retry
[14:20:41.970] - Burn return with retry fail

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marco | 2023-11-27 14:30:35 | 显示全部楼层
make flash COMX=COM17
./../../tools/bflb_tools/bouffalo_flash_cube/BLFlashCommand.exe --interface=uart --baudrate=2000000 --port=COM17 --chipname=bl616 --cpu_id= --config=flash_prog_cfg.ini
['./../../tools/bflb_tools/bouffalo_flash_cube/BLFlashCommand.exe', '--interface=uart', '--baudrate=2000000', '--port=COM17', '--chipname=bl616', '--cpu_id=', '--config=flash_prog_cfg.ini']
[13:57:22.242] - Serial port is COM17
[13:57:22.243] - ==================================================
[13:57:22.244] - Program Start
[13:57:22.245] - ========= eflash loader cmd arguments =========
[13:57:22.246] - serial port is COM17
[13:57:22.246] - chiptype: bl616
[13:57:22.246] - cpu_reset=False
[13:57:22.255] - ========= Interface is uart =========
[13:57:22.255] - isp mode speed: 2000000
[13:57:22.255] - Bootrom load
[13:57:22.255] - ========= get_boot_info =========
[13:57:22.255] - ========= image get bootinfo =========
[13:57:22.269] - Please Press Reset Key!
[13:57:22.587] - isp ready
[13:57:25.133] - default set DTR high
[13:57:25.234] - clean buf
[13:57:25.237] - send sync
[13:57:25.465] - ack is b'4f4b464c0201464c0201464c0201464c0201'
[13:57:25.495] - shake hand success
[13:57:26.001] - data read is b'0100160600000100279280016fb835cf0eb415000f758010'
[13:57:26.001] - ========= ChipID: b40ecf35b86f =========
[13:57:26.001] - Get bootinfo time cost(ms): 3745.568359375
[13:57:26.001] - change bdrate: 2000000
[13:57:26.002] - Clock PLL set
[13:57:26.003] - Set clock time cost(ms): 1.0
[13:57:26.122] - flash set para
[13:57:26.122] - get flash pin cfg from bootinfo: 0x02
[13:57:26.122] - set flash cfg: 14102
[13:57:26.122] - Set flash config
[13:57:26.125] - Set para time cost(ms): 3.00341796875
[13:57:26.126] - ========= flash read jedec ID =========
[13:57:26.127] - Read flash jedec ID
[13:57:26.128] - readdata:
[13:57:26.128] - b'c8601600'
[13:57:26.128] - Finished
[13:57:26.133] - Program operation
[13:57:26.133] - Dealing Index 0
[13:57:26.133] - ========= programming C:\Users\MARCOG\ait-m61\AiPi-Open-Kits\aithinker_Ai-M6X_SDK\examples\helloworld\.\build\build_out\helloworld_bl616.bin
[13:57:26.136] - flash para file: C:\Users\MARCOG\ait-m61\AiPi-Open-Kits\aithinker_Ai-M6X_SDK\tools\bflb_tools\bouffalo_flash_cube\chips/bl616/efuse_bootheader/flash_para.bin
[13:57:26.137] - Set flash config
[13:57:26.141] - Set para time cost(ms): 4.13232421875
[13:57:26.141] - ========= flash load =========
[13:57:26.141] - ========= flash erase =========
[13:57:26.141] - Erase flash  from 0x0 to 0x97bf
[13:57:26.307] - Erase time cost(ms): 164.88818359375
[13:57:26.323] - Load 2048/38848 {"progress":5}
[13:57:26.339] - Load 4096/38848 {"progress":10}
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marco | 2023-11-27 14:33:27 | 显示全部楼层
烧录的配置文件 flash_prog_cfg.ini如下:
# 0: no erase, 1:programmed section erase, 2: chip erase
erase = 1
# skip mode set first para is skip addr, second para is skip len, multi-segment region with ; separated
skip_mode = 0x0, 0x0
# 0: not use isp mode, #1: isp mode
boot2_isp_mode = 1

filedir = ./build/build_out/helloworld_$(CHIPNAME).bin
address = 0x000000

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qwe2079282957 | 2023-11-27 14:52:19 | 显示全部楼层
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marco | 2023-11-27 16:34:10 | 显示全部楼层
qwe2079282957 发表于 2023-11-27 14:52

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marco | 2023-11-27 16:35:20 | 显示全部楼层
这块说明书不知道有没有.  这个芯片看来使用的场景的很是太少啊
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marco | 2023-11-27 16:57:26 | 显示全部楼层
问题自己解决了, 供其他人参考.  这个开发板, 需要按住烧录键通电, 然后进入烧录模式, 就正常了.

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使用道具 举报

干簧管 | 2023-11-27 20:13:40 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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