VC-01 / VC-02 Reply Words(s) palyback control from external MCU via UART

查看2116 | 回复6 | 2024-1-22 02:09:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 RCT_Master 于 2024-1-22 02:19 编辑

Hello Dear Friend,

Do you have an API to control the playback of Reply Word(s) via UART? In ASR techology
sometimes it is called Passive Mode.

I mean we DO NOT want the VC-0X module (US516P6) to play Reply Word automatically
after the Command Word recognition, but we NEED to send (via UART) an order command
with allowance to play (by speaker) selected (selectable by us) Reply Word by e.g. sending
UART frames with Reply Word codes.

Can we do that? Hope it is possible with your VC-01 / VC-02 modules.

If we must make some second code development (inside C code), please provide us
instructions how/where to modify C code and recompile the code to firmare.
Perhaps you will suggest some better solution..?...

Thank you in advance for your valuable support.

Best Regard




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Ai-Thinker小泽 | 2024-1-22 09:15:14 | 显示全部楼层
Hello Wojciech,

I am fortunate to answer this question for you.

Firstly, you need to configure and generate an SDK for serial port output on our official platform.

Secondly, set up the environment and download the SDK to ensure that it can be compiled and run.

Next, you need to write a serial callback function {int user_uart_send (const char * buf, int len)} and call it during serial initialization.

Finally, the content of the serial callback function can call the API for broadcasting voice, {int user_player_play (AUDIO-PLAY-TYPE type, const char * file).} This audio file can be generated on our platform, and the sequence name of the MP3 file can be seen in the path {/uni_hb_m_solution/unione_lite.app_hb_m/tools/scripts/tools}.

For detailed development materials, you can refer to our official docs page, Ai-Thinker_VC-01/02which includes development manuals and application documentation. However, there may be some materials available in English, and we hope it will be helpful to you.

Thank you for using Ai-Thinker's products.

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WT_0213 | 2024-1-22 09:23:19 | 显示全部楼层
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爱笑 | 2024-1-22 09:47:13 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Sir,

It can support, but need send code development.

Each product has different SDK, first register account to make your own command on platform to complie an SDK.
Platform link :
Platform toturial:
Build linux environment toturial: ... 1001.2014.3001.5501
SDK development toturial: ... oice_opencpu_1_.pdf
Use manual:
Application demo:

Hope it can help you.
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曹县 | 2024-1-22 16:54:07 | 显示全部楼层

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17755130686 | 2024-7-8 18:00:51 | 显示全部楼层

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putin | 2024-9-26 17:59:42 | 显示全部楼层
Helo welcome to axkbbs
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