How to develop program for PB-03 series and burn the firmware?

master.chipset | 2023-10-22 16:53:05 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks, but any instructions about programming via UART didn't work for me at all.
So, I tested to write the program on PB-03M modules by SWD. I use J-Flash V7.50 to erase the chip and use Keil to program the chip. I could change the MAC Address of nodes by editing the code. I wrote "mesh_light" example on a chip and "mesh_gateway" example on another chip.
My current problem is in provisioning progress. During provisioning progress "mesh_light" node shows [Hard fault handler] error. Can you help me and say what's the problem?

øSDK Version ID 00030103
rfClk 0 rcClk 1 sysClk 1 tpCap[31 2b]
sizeof(struct ll_pkt_desc) = 8, buf size = 268
sizeof(g_pConnectionBuffer) = 268, sizeof(pConnContext) = 644, sizeof(largeHeap)=7168


Registered GATT Bearer Iface Events Appl Callback!

In Model Server - Foundation Models

Config Model Server Registration Status: 0x0000

In Generic OnOff Model Server

Generic Onoff Server Initialized. Model Handle: 0x0001

Light Hsl Server Initialized. Model Handle: 0x0002

Light Ctl Server Initialized. Model Handle: 0x0004

Vendor Defined Server Initialized. Model Handle: 0x0006

Registering with Provisioning layer...

Retval - 0x0000

Setting PHY MSH LIGHT as Complete Device Name!

Bearer type = 0x03(Bit0-adv, Bit1-GATT)

Serv Disable called with 0x00
Disabling Mesh Prov Service...

Service Disable yet to be Supported

Serv Enable called with 0x00
Enabling Mesh Prov Service...

Setting up Device for Provisioning ...

Binding with the selected device...

Retval - 0x0000

Retval - 0x0000

Setting up as an Unprovisioned Device


Status - 0x0000

Attention TImeout - 30

Confirm Value Check Success!

sending random!


Status - 0x0000

NetKey  :

-- Dumping 16 Bytes --


9C 05 F4 98 59 7D 38 0E 8E 1D 0B 89 AC A4 C1 BA    ....Y}8.........


Key ID  : 0x0000

Flags   : 0x00

IVIndex : 0x00000000

UAddr   : 0x0002

[Hard fault handler]
R0-R3        = 0x00000010 0x1fff0000 0x1fff82f9 0x1fffd370
R4-R7        = 0x1101c511 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x1101c189
R8-R11       = 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff
R12,SP,LR,PC = 0x00000001 0x1fffd360 0x1fff28b5 0x00000000
PSR  = 0x60000000  ICSR = 0x00400003
[OSAL]idx 6 Func 0x1102663d systick 0000217d rtc 0002b342
-----------dump stack--------------

[1FFFD360]1101c511 fffffff9 00000010 1fff0000
[1FFFD370]1fff82f9 1fffd370 00000001 1fff28b5
[1FFFD380]00000000 60000000 00000464 1fff3fa3
[1FFFD390]00000000 00000000 00000006 00008595
[1FFFD3A0]0004f02c 1fffd3e4 00000464 00000464
[1FFFD3B0]1fff7ee8 00000000 1fff79a4 11032743
[1FFFD3C0]1fffd3e4 1fffd2e4 1fff7988 11032935
[1FFFD3D0]1fffd3e4 00000464 1fff7988 11031103
[1FFFD3E0]00000014 00000014 08000000 00001fff
[1FFFD3F0]95310000 002f1102 5f2c0000 00001103
[1FFFD400]00000000 00000000 00000000 00010000
[1FFFD410]00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000
[1FFFD420]08000000 00001fff c1390000 00031102
[1FFFD430]615c0000 00001103 00000000 00000000
[1FFFD440]00000000 00010000 00000000 00000000
[1FFFD450]00000000 13070000 7f000000 00001fff
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Raj | 2024-1-18 12:59:08 | 显示全部楼层
master.chipset 发表于 2023-10-12 21:54
Hi again.
After 4 days of working on PB-03 firmware burning instructions, any instructions about UAR ...

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